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Monday, 15 August 2016


I need an independent on board power supply if I am to wander off in to places wild. As most of the systems are on the 12V circuit the generator is primarily for charging the batteries. However there are occasions, such as power tools, when a 240V supply helps.

There is a wide choice of generators. Most of the small ones are petrol powered. I want to avoid having petrol on board. Dangerous stuff. In the end I chose a propane/LPG powered Greengear 3kW electric start model. Apart from it being coloured green it has a very low greenhouse gas emissions profile. It is also very quiet. Best of all it worked out cheapest. 

Here it is. This photo makes it look rather large.

That's better. I will cut out the existing butane gas store, the white box behind, and stand the generator there with a pair of 13kg propane bottles behind. Then build a weather cover around them all.

My exisiting gas supply, now only used for cooking, is butane so I will need a new regulator and supply line from the propane bottles to the cooker. As you can see the butane regulator and supply line is mounted on the storage box itself so I will have to rerun the piping as well as change the regulator. Life gets complicated!

Butane has a problem. It freezes at -4 degreesC. I had my supply freeze this winter. Propane freezes at c.-44 degreesC. Much more convenient. A bit of work to be done but a good improvement. 

One last thought. As Mick pointed out the generator plus two gas bottles are heavy, adding a lot of top hamper on the starboard side. I may have to shift some ballast.

Be good - if you can!


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